FoundersAMA: Alex Melen

Alex Melen

Award-Winning Serial Entrepreneur, Digital Influencer & Keynote Speaker. Founder & CEO of T35Hosting & SmartSites (2x Inc5000).

Hey guys! I’m Alex Melen, founder of various tech companies in the last 20 years. I helped pioneer the web hosting industry in the late 1990’s with T35 Hosting and am currently doing the same for digital marketing with SmartSites.

SmartSites, is currently on the NJBIZ list of Top 250 Private Companies in NJ, has been featured numerous times in the INC5000 list of fastest growing companies in the US, and is on the Clutch Magazine list of Top Internet Marketing Companies & Top Social Media Agencies in New York City.

I have personally been featured in the Business Week’s Top 25 Entrepreneurs Under 25, Bloomberg, Forbes, NPR and President Barack Obama’s Entrepreneurship Initiative. I have also been cited as an expert on Website Development by Clutch, NamesCon & DialogTech and on Cryptocurrency by Fortune, Yahoo! Finance, Bitsonline & Finance Magnates.

In the last 2 years, I have also been a keynote/featured speaker at HostingCon Europe, HostingCon Global, DomainingEurope, NameSummit, DigitalDealer, Google, NamesCon and more.

Connect with me on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook!

Questions and Answers with Alex Melen

Q) How did you get your start as an influencer and how did you decide on an industry focus?

In the last year or two, I started sharing my learnings from my past failures and successes. That helped me get started and I still spend my free time sharing my suggestions and learnings – both on my social media accounts and in-person at my keynotes, etc..

Q) How do you distinguish your platform influencer in when compared to many others – there is a sudden rise in influencer marketing platforms?

We don’t have our own platform for this. But generally speaking, there are more and more platforms coming out now – some that we actually work with in terms of development and marketing. As in any industry, you have to try to differentiate – maybe on industry/category, type of influencer, pricing, etc.. Think of what your unique value add is.

Q) How has your life changed since becoming a digital influencer?

I now spend my days driving lambo’s and flying private jets. Just kidding, it hasn’t changed much.

Q) What’s most important to you when pursuing brand partnerships?

Tough to say, I haven’t done any brand partnerships yet. I’ll let you know if that changes though!

Q) What do you feel is most important to digital community?

Transparency & trust. It’s what’s been missing from many of the services digital agencies and guru’s are offering.

Q) Do you have any tips on to increase follower engagement (likes, comments, reposts) as a digital influencer? 

Overall, user engagement has declined on most platforms in the last few years. Still, if you engage with others, that would encourage them to also engage with you.

Q) What are some of the best habits you have picked up in your personal life, that isn’t considered work but helped improve productivity regardless? 

I think the biggest habit to increase productivity is organization. Luckily, my personality tends itself to that. But for anyone struggling with productivity I would definitely recommend evaluating the organization of their tasks, assignments, schedule, etc..

Q) How do you define success? What makes a person successful in life?

Ahh, another philosophical question! I think everyone has their own micro and macros successes that are aligned with their micro and macro goals. What makes someone successful in life is different from person to person – based on their personal goals. For example, just because someone makes a certain amount of money doesn’t make them necessarily successful if that wasn’t their personal goal.

Q) What is the biggest compliment you have ever received and who gave it yo you?

The biggest compliment has been the consistent 5* reviews for SmartSites. It shows me that we are actually delivering value to our clients.

Q) Who are some of your heroes, the people that you look up to the most and why?

To be honest, I haven’t focused too much on “heroes”. I just try to do my own thing and be successful in my day to day. Not to say I don’t admire people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, etc.. for what they have created, but I don’t focus on others too much.

Q) According to you, how do people learn the best lessons in life, from successes or from failures?

Failures – 100%.”Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”– Winston Churchill

Q) Are you based in New Jersey or do you conduct your businesses from another city? What is your favorite place on earth?

SmartSites is based in Paramus, NJ. Although we’re a national brand, we love having the ability to meet our local clients face to face and I think it’s a huge advantage over many other agencies who operate without an office or remotely. For your follow up question – I’m also an avid traveler. It’s hard to pinpoint a “favorite” place though. My most memorable trips have been to places that instill a culture shock – like northern Brazil or south-east Asia.

Q) Do you do your PR yourself or have someone dedicated to the task? At what point would you recommend for entrepreneurs to get the service of a professional PR?

PR for themselves (ie: their personal brand) or for their startups? In both cases we don’t do much paid PR. Instead, we get a lot from “earned” PR, like testimonials, word of mouth, etc.. That being said, there are definitely startups who greatly benefit from PR (ie: new products/inventions, etc..). It just doesn’t lend itself as well to the service industry.

Q) How did you start working in the technology field? Was that something that always interested you? Did you have a 9-5 job at some point and if so how did you decide to drop it?

I’m actually a rare hybrid case here. I graduated from Babson (a school focused on entrepreneurship) but took a corporate job after graduating. At the same time, I’ve been running a business since I was 13 years old (T35 Hosting), so I kept that going throughout my several years of corporate jobs. in 2011, I made the final decision to focus completely on my entrepreneurial endeavors and I have not looked back. I know not everyone is this way, but I always felt like I was an entrepreneur – from as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to create something new that would help the digital world.

Q) In the beginning of your career, did you had a mentor or someone that guided you to the path you currently are walking?

Great question. I did not, but it’s something I recommend to other people these days. I think there are plenty of mentors out there that are ready and willing to help and it’s an invaluable asset to have someone give you feedback; especially someone who has gone through something similar themselves.

Q) What is the work philosophy of your companies and your staff? Which are the core values you expect they must have?

The philosophy of our companies has always been to help our clients succeed. Heck, that’s been the slogan for T35 Hosting for almost 20 years now! For the staff – when hiring – we look for someone who’s excited to be working in this space. Someone who gets up in the morning and can’t wait to come into work to help build digital campaigns, websites, etc.. to help other small businesses succeed online. If it’s not your passion, your work will show it and you won’t stay long, so we always want to make sure that what we do as a company is good for the individual.

Q) What are the misconceptions about web development you see most often amongst your clients? What about SEO?

Web development? The typical one is that it should cost less. People are conditioned by the WIX commercials that they could spend a $100 and get a website online. That’s true to some extent, but you obviously get what you pay for. SEO? This one has changed over the years. 15 years back – SEO was considered dirty word. Big companies didn’t want to be associated it in anyway – and it actually created the birth of the small SEO agencies that big companies could scape-goat if they needed to. These days it’s a little bit different. SEO is proven, and most big companies have SEO strategists or entire departments. However, the issue these days is that many consider SEO to be “dead”. And what I mean by that is that you can’t spend a few weeks doing SEO now and get instant results. You have to work on your content, you have to work on your site structure, etc.. Maybe that’s a good thing – after all, the whole point of SEO is for Google to reward well-structured authoritative sites with quality unique content.

Q) What are your some of your interests and hobbies? What do you like to do when you are not working?

We’re in the process of re-designing our site to make it even better, so this page will only improve, but check this out: have a similar page for all of our employees.

Q) Does speaking on those events get you business or you do it more for the fun?

Great question. In theory it should get us business, but in reality it hasn’t gotten much. Still there is definitely some value for the brand awareness that we build from these events and the thought leadership we can pursue and show clients by doing them. I’ve only been doing public speaking for about 2 years and am far from a natural at it, so I’d assume the value from the events should only increase (as well as the perosnal value of becoming a better public speaker) :).

Q) As a digital marketing expert, what do you think it’s the most important element of a good digital marketing plan?

KPI’s. I’ve seen way too many marketing plans without a measurable and attainable goal.

Q) Your company, T35 Hosting, is still offering services. What do you think has been the formula to keep yourselves in the business after more than 20 years?

Hosting has been a tricky industry. As I’m sure many others have said before – The key is to be flexible and adapt. For example with free hosting no longer being profitable, we had to ignore the nostalgia of being one of the last original free web hosts, and just make a business decisions that was best for the business and the majority of the clients.

Q) How do you define yourself? How do you think people perceives you?

Still working on that 🙂 Doing the public speaking events and working on my own brand has definitely helped me think about this topic though.

Q) What is happiness for you? How do you define it? Do you consider yourself a happy individual?

That’s more of a philosophical question. Generally speaking, I think people are happy when they are achieving their goals. I’m certainly doing the best to achieve mine 🙂

Q) What legacy or impact would you like to leave in the world? Do you think about that often?

Being on the younger side, I haven’t thought about it too often. But as always, I really want to make an impact on the digital world. T35 Free Hosting was built out of the idea that everyone should be able to create something on the internet that they can share all over the world. These days, we help business’s establish themselves on the internet and be found. Not really legacy material yet, but I’m working on it!

Q) How do you feel about the need for regulation on cryptocurrencies? Have you personally advised any or invested in any?

I do personally advise and invest in cryptocurrency. I post extensively about it on my twitter account: @amelen. Generally speaking, regulation isn’t bad (especially in the ICO space) and will lead to more adoption and huge inflow of funds.

Q) Can you share some of the milestones your companies have reached? The ones that make you the proudest?

We establish milestones on quarterly and yearly basis. It’s usually a mix of growth, company satisfaction, and employee satisfaction.

Q) What does it feel to be a a pioneer in the web hosting industry? What is the mistake most people make when picking their hosting provider?

It’s bittersweet. Looking back on it, I had a lot of missed opportunities. I’ve always believed in the digital space, but I let too many people convince me otherwise. These days, picking a web host is like buying gasoline. Is Exxon better than BP? In the end, most of the major players are owned by the same company and are all pretty similar. At the end of the day, I recommend clients go with a company who offers them the best support and best understands their needs.

Q) As the founder of many companies, what are your biggest responsibilities and duties towards your employees, your clients?.

My biggest responsibility is to my employees. My job is to help them succeed in their job, which in turn help our client’s succeed.

Q) Did services like Wix and squarespace affect negatively web developers since it is much easier for people with no programming knowledge to develop their own sites?

Yes and no. It definitely created a mindset that you can spend $100 and get a website. However, I think it has its place. Anyone who doesn’t have the budget, is too small or too early in the startup phase definitely should have an option to build a relatively cheap website. However, professional custom designed websites will still have their place in the food chain. You’re not going to see switch to WIX for example.

Q) How has social media impacted business models all around the world? Does the positive compensate for the negative?

I’m a strong believer in social media and the good it can give. Yes, it has it’s negatives, but I think the positives outway the negatives in this case.

Q) What would you say is the biggest development in the domain names field? What will you be covering on NamesCon?

In the recent years, the addition of new TLD’s is definitely the biggest development. At NamesCon, I’ll be covering the value you can bring to your domains while also generating revenue from them. Here is the speech from NamesCon Global. The EU version coming up next month will be similar but improved 🙂

Q) Which failure have you learned from the most so far? Do you easily take advice or you would rather try for yourself?

I think entrepreneurship is a fine line of trial & error and getting feedback/advice. I can’t recall one monumental failure, but I’ve certainly had tons of smaller ones along the way that brought me to where I am today.

Q) How do you balance your work with your life? As an entrepreneur, do you struggle to have time just for yourself? Do you ever turn your phone off?

Great question! This is probably the biggest issue that small business owners and entrepreneurs deal with. I’ve honestly haven’t been great at “turning the phone off”, but I’m definitely putting a bigger effort into creating a work-life balance in recent months/years – especially with 2 small kiddos at home.

Q) How did your company, Smart Cities, became one of the top innovators in key SEO organizations and publications?

SmartSites you mean? I don’t know if we’re necessarily a top innovator in SEO publications, but we certainly do our best at providing a quality product that helps our clients succeed online.

Q) What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? What do you aim to be the next?

My latest goal was to get into public speaking. And while I’m far from being a pro at it, it definitely met my goal of forcing myself to actually do them 🙂

Q) How big are the teams working in your companies nowadays? How many people do you employ?

A little bit over 70 people as of May 2018.

Q) You are a keynote/featured speaker. Do you find it hard to speak in front of hundreds or does it come easy for you?

It does not come easy for me and I’m far from a natural speaking. In fact, I successfully avoided public speaking in both high school and college. However, I think it’s an important skill to have and I hope to get better at it as I keep doing it. Practice makes perfect!

Q) What are the newest trends on website development?

Mobile-first is becoming Mobile-only. At the same time, the user experience needs to be consistent on every platform, device, etc.. Everything needs to load fast, yet be visually aesthetic and action focused.

And of course, some good ol’ sayings are still true. With a website design clients still ask for 3 things: for it to be amazing, be done fast, and be cheap. Unfortunately, you can only pick 1 of those 3 things.

Q) What qualities set apart your companies from the competition?

We take a very personal approach – we go above and beyond to make sure our clients succeed. Google SmartSites reviews to see what people have to say 🙂

Q) How do you foresee the future of Digital Marketing? How will it evolve?

If only we had a magic ball! I think for the short-term things won’t change that much. If you’re providing a quality service and bring value to your clients, nothing will change for you. What I do see is that measurement is becoming a lot more important. Gone are the days of blindly running PPC campaign with your client guessing that you brought them more calls.

Q) What do you think about cryptocurrencies? Are these just a fad or are they really going to revolutionize the way we do business in the near future?

Cryptocurrency, to me, feels like the internet did back in the mid-1990’s. The more people that didn’t believe in it, the better it did. Having said that, I expect many cryptocurrency’s to be gone in a year or 2. Right now it’s like the wild-wild-west. However, blockchain as a technology will revolutionize almost everything we do and blockchain-based currencies will start paying a bigger and bigger role in e-commerce. There are still a lot of kinks to work out, of course, think of 2018 for crypto as 1995 was for the web. Yahoo was still convinced that a web directory was a better way to go than a search engine. It would take an average of 3-6 months to buy a domain and setup a website. And you spent hours waiting for mp2’s & mp3’s to slowly download.

Q) How has been your experience as a Digital Influencer? Is it the same as being a social media influencer? If not, what are the differences?

It’s hard to make a distinction between the two. Social Media influencers are usually in a specific category: fashion, technology, etc.. I think digital is just a category.

Original Source:

SmartSites Uses DialogTech to Drive 32% More Calls to 200+ Clients

Call Tracking Helps SmartSites Prove their Full ROI to Clients

SmartSites is a full service digital agency in Paramus, New Jersey. They realized that as the world is becoming increasingly mobile-centric, more and more conversions are coming from phone calls. Their clients in industries such as medical, accounting, and legal have patients or customers that expect an immediate response. Those customers prefer calling to filling out an online contact form and waiting for a reply.

Of SmartSites 250+ clients, around 85% are using DialogTech’s call tracking. According to Alex Melen, Co-Founder of SmartSites, they encourage all clients to use DialogTech. Melen explains that prior to providing call tracking they would have clients claim that they weren’t seeing results.

“We were in operation for a couple years before we implemented any type of phone tracking. Honestly, those were some of the more difficult times for our business because a lot of what we do not only drives traffic and conversions from a website, but also drives phone calls.”

Melen explains they were losing business because they did not have the data to back up the number of phone calls they were generating from their marketing efforts. SmartSites would have clients telling them, “I have this gut feeling the marketing campaign didn’t do well based on one day we didn’t hear the phone ringing.” Once the agency started using DialogTech to track calls from their marketing down to the keyword level, they had the metrics they needed to prove ROI to their clients.

Since implementing DialogTech, SmartSites estimates that on average they have increased inbound call volume to businesses by 32% from their marketing. They have also decreased cost per call by 20% and increased customer acquisition by 25%.

Dialog Tech Image of Smartsites' Cases

                   DialogTech has helped SmartSites generate 25% more business for their customers

New Jersey’s Leading Plumbing Company Has Decreased Cost Per Call By 50%

One of SmartSites clients, New Jersey’s leading plumbing company, receives an extremely large volume of calls every day. As Melen explains, “In today’s mobile-first world, when a pipe bursts in your house the first thing you are going to do is search on your mobile device for ‘plumbers near me’ and click to call.”

85% of this plumbing company’s conversions come directly from phone calls, while only 15% are from web-based contact forms. Using DialogTech, SmartSites provides this plumbing company with daily metrics of how many calls came in via their marketing and website, and more importantly, how many calls resulted in appointments. They have seen a 50% decrease in cost per call since they started working with DialogTech and a 30% increase in customer acquisition.

Call Recordings Enable SmartSites to Help Clients Improve Customer Experiences

Beyond tracking calls from marketing, SmartSites also uses DialogTech to record the calls they generate to clients to measure lead quality. Call recordings also help them coach clients to improve the caller experience.

For example, Melen explained that one medical client said that the calls he was getting were irrelevant and that they were not making new appointments. But reviewing the call recordings from DialogTech enabled SmartSites to learn that the person answering the calls was often rude, would not record the appointments, and was sometimes even hanging up the phone on callers. Correcting that issue enabled the client to see immediate results.

DialogTech’s Data Has Helped SmartSites Grow Their Own Business

Being a long-time DialogTech partner, SmartSites has seen the value and payoff of using call analytics to grow their business. By using DialogTech’s call tracking with their own advertising and website, they not only measure phone leads for each offering, but they track calls back to Google AdWords keywords and analyze the call recordings to get CPA (cost per acquisition).

Melen explains that their agency was “originally only in New Jersey and then covered the NYC metro area, but over the last two years we have expanded nationally. With DialogTech data we have been able to test different markets and see what the acquisition costs are for each.”

SmartSites has experienced impressive 75% growth in the past three years, and earned a place on the 2017 Inc. 5000 list thanks in part to the success of using DialogTech’s call attribution solution with the majority of their clients.

Original Source: 

Interview with Alex Melen from SmartSites on Magento, Shopify, and WordPress


Can you please provide a brief description of your company and the role that you play there?

I’m the co-founder of SmartSites. We’re a full-service digital marketing agency. We do everything from website design, development, SEO, PPC, social media marketing. Usually, we try to provide full-service solutions to our clients so they don’t have to deal with one company for design, one to make a website, one to change a logo, one to do marketing, etc.


What should people consider when choosing a CMS or a website platform?

A lot of times people call us up. We don’t do cold calling or outbound marketing. They call us and ask for help building a site or making their idea a reality. They don’t know what a CMS is in most cases. The initial decision we try to help them make is whether they’re going to have an e-commerce site or information site. That’s the biggest distinction that will make the biggest difference in what kind of platform they go with and how their site functions and looks.


What differentiates Magento, Shopify, and any other e-commerce platforms you’ve used?

In our case, we work with WordPress and Magento more than any other platform, but we’ve worked with all of them. The way I differentiate it is if someone calls up and says they don’t want e-commerce, just an informational site, that’s a pretty easy decision to go with WordPress. WordPress is the universal informational go-to CMS. There are some smaller ones like Joomla but over time, WordPress has become bigger and bigger in terms of market share. It has a great development community and more plugins than any other platforms. It’s run by more sites than any other platform. There’s sites like CNN and New York Times using it. It’s a universal go-to platform for a basic informational site.

Once you decide that you want to do e-commerce, that’s almost a decision on top of that. WordPress still allows for e-commerce. They have WooCommerce and a couple other entire ecosystems of e-commerce platforms that sit on top of WordPress. But it’s usually best for smaller sites that might not have thousands of products. Once you determine you need a huge e-commerce store with 100,000 products, at that point you move toward the dedicated e-commerce platforms where Magento is one of the leading ones and one we usually recommend.

Who is the ideal client for these platforms?

Someone who just has an informational website or a service like a doctor’s office, I would use WordPress. It would let them do everything they need to do and more. There’s also lower tier platforms like Wix, SquareSpace and GoDaddy’s site builder. For someone who doesn’t have a lot of web experience, it’s quicker to build a website but they’re not necessarily ideal platforms. Either way, we push for WordPress no matter how simple your website is. WordPress serves the niche from the most basic to medium complexity websites. It’s best for services and informational websites. It even lets you add some basic e-commerce functionality if you plan to sell a product.

The next step up is WordPress with WooCommerce. WooCommerce has become almost its own CMS that sits on top of WordPress and has it’s own plugins and extensions. It has become its own ecosystem. We usually recommend that if you have a store with a website with 20-30 informational pages and you might sell five, 10, 100 products. Let’s say you’re a local store that sells bracelets and you have 20 variations of bracelets. It might not make sense to go to Magento which has more features but is also more expensive to build and harder to understand because of the complexity.

Then you have companies like manufacturers of car parts. You have 100,000 car parts. Even if you’re making something like exhausts, you would have 100,000 SKUs for exhaust because every car has slightly different exhaust based on the size. In that case, you’d want to go with Magento or a full e-commerce platform because you will need the complexity with all the SKUs in there. You might have to have more complexity in your checkout options that WordPress wouldn’t allow for.

Who should avoid these CMSs?

For Magento, people should avoid it when they have only a couple of products. Magento is more expensive to develop and to maintain. It’s more complicated to understand and use. Once in a while, we have people say they’ve been told to use Magento for selling three different types of earrings. In that case, we tell them it’s not the best for them. They should go with WordPress with the WooCommerce. There’s also Shopify, BigCommerce and a few other pre-built platforms that offer less customization but have excelled at making the process easy for beginners.

Talk about the importance of technical coding knowledge when building a site on either platform.

WordPress is probably the easiest to learn out of the standalone CMSs, not counting Shopify and other self-hosted platforms. With something like Shopify and BigCommerce, the amount of coding you need to know is very limited. With Magento, you could get by with knowing no coding at all, but eventually, for customizations and changes, it would require either knowing some coding or working with a company to help you maintain it. If you have fewer products and not a huge budget, Magento might not be the right solution. Something smaller that doesn’t take as much coding knowledge would be better.


Is there a feature of these platforms that has impressed you?

Magento is probably the most flexible and powerful platform out of all of them. We’ve created a lot of very custom and unique sites that wouldn’t be possible with almost any other platform. We’ve created sites that websites use for commodity pricing where there are millions of products that will change in price every fraction of a second based on the live market prices. The API and functionality would be very difficult to develop on any other platform. In most cases, sites that need that functionality wind up custom coding their platforms from scratch. But the Magento platform is flexible enough that it actually allows for all this coding to live within its platform. It’s very customizable and powerful for very big websites and projects. On the flip side, if you’re a small site that sells one product a week and you have an inventory of three or four SKUs, it wouldn’t make sense to go with such a huge and potentially complex platform.

Are there any areas that you feel could be added or improved upon?

They’ve all come a very long way. Looking back even four, five, six years, all these platforms have come a long way. The big area of improvement for the self-hosted platforms, which is WordPress or Magento, is security. Both platforms are working on improving security over the last couple years. Platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce host it themselves so they have a tighter control over security. The limitation is what you can modify on these platforms. It’s pre-built, pre-made and they give you the ability to customize some things but you can’t customize everything. They’re working on that. Shopify has made big strides in the last couple of years of adding some custom ability to its system.

What cost factors should clients keep in mind when considering these tools?

There are self-hosted platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce which are probably the lowest initial cost because you don’t have to build anything out. They give you the template. The cost comes with the transaction. They charge your credit card processing fees on top of the standard fees and a small monthly fee.

Next would be WordPress which is the most widely used CMS; most developers are familiar with it, which keeps costs low. Magneto is much more expensive to develop and maintain. There’s much less Magento certified developers. That’s how I would rank them from the cheapest to more expensive. Self-hosted platforms are the cheapest in up-front costs. WordPress the next step, and then something like Magento being more expensive.

What is the importance of SEO and security when setting up a CMS?

Security has become very important especially for WordPress and Magento. As platforms become bigger and universally used, they become bigger targets for hacking. It’s like you see with Windows. There are so many viruses and malware made for Windows. It’s not because Windows is less secure than Linux or Unix; it’s because it’s the most commonly used. If you’re going to try to exploit something, you’re going to work on the platform that the most people use.

WordPress has become a huge target so it’s important to choose the correct hosting that is secure. You also want to secure the site itself. You want to make sure that user logins aren’t easily guessed. You want to make sure all the security plugins are installed. You want to make sure you’re not running anything outdated. Those could be easily exploited. If you’re running a WordPress version from two years ago, I’m sure it has enough vulnerability that someone could get in. Similar with Magento. Even though it’s not as popular and that’s why it’s not targeted as much, there are also security implications with Magento and it should be secured as well.

For SEO, it also becomes important. We’ve seen a lot of companies that just do web design and focus on having the site look pretty. But then it’s not really optimized for SEO. We had a very big client come to us that designed a WordPress website. It was beautiful. Everything looked nice and pretty. It was one page and a lot of the content were images. So in Google’s eyes, it had very little unique content and very little unique pages. Google wasn’t even ranking it for its own name. When building a site, regardless of the CMS, SEO is very important in terms of structuring things correctly, creating unique content, structuring all the link structure correctly and the metas. Make sure that Google sees the site the way it’s meant to be seen.

User experience has also become a player in SEO. You want to make sure the user experience is good on the site. It’s definitely very important. In this day and age, people don’t make a website just to have it look pretty for the couple people they tell the URL to. In this day and age, having a website is all about sales and has become huge sales channels for most companies. Google is a big part of the organic sales channel. Google needs to be able to crawl your site and see your site. It has to be structured to their best practices in making sure that Google gives you all the value you’ve put into a site.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

An often-overlooked part of it is making sure, no matter what CMS you pick and what design you pick, it’s mobile responsive. It’s almost a no-brainer in 2017. I’ve seen more and more websites designed to look good only on the computer. But they never bother to check it on tablet and on a cell phone. Cell phone searches and cell phone traffic is now surpassing desktop. Most of the categories we work in, traffic from mobile devices is now double that of a desktop. That makes sense. If you come home from work and you see your sink is leaking and you need a plumber, you’re not going to go upstairs, boot up your computer, and look for a plumber. You pull out your cell phone and search. Make sure to treat mobile as a top priority no matter what CMS you choose. In 2017, it’s no longer that you design your site and make sure it works on mobile. It should be a mobile-first philosophy. That’s how behavior is driving the use of websites.


Functionalities and Features

Shopify – 2.5. Being a self-hosted platform and in trying to be secure, they limit a lot of the functionality.

WordPress – 4.5. I think it has tremendous functionality out of the box. What helps that score more is that it has the biggest opensource development community that exists out there. There are literally millions of plugins to do everything that you could ever need.

Magento – 4. It’s a great platform. It’s very customizable but out of the box, you need more technical skills to customize it. Fewer plugins and development exist for it than for WordPress.

Ease of Use

Shopify – 4.5. It’s one of the easiest to implement. I’m sure there are some things that are easier like Wix. If my grandmother called me up and said she wanted to sell cookies online, I would send her to Shopify because she doesn’t have the web experience to understand WordPress.

WordPress – 4. It would be less but what helps prop them up is the huge amount of documentation that exists about it online. You can go to YouTube and search anything you want to do with WordPress and you’ll find tons of video tutorials on it. Even though it’s not the easiest to use, there’s so much support out there.

Magento – 2.5. It’s very feature rich but it takes a while to get used to it and absorb and understand all the features.


Shopify – 4. Their support is not on par with companies like Amazon (who is known for their customer service), whoever they do offer decent support. Theirs is also live chat where you can talk to someone most of the time.

WordPress and Magento – 2. They don’t provide much of their own support. There are communities that provide support so you have to rely on those. The enterprise version of Magento provides support but very few people get that because it’s very expensive.

Willing to Refer

Shopify, WordPress, Magento – 4. We recommend each one for different reasons. We recommend Shopify for someone who’s really looking for something very basic and not looking to invest or spend much money. We recommend WordPress for someone who is a step above Shopify and they want to customize some things to some extent. We recommend Magento for more complex projects. People that go with Magento really have very few solutions outside Magento that work for them other than building from scratch.


Shopify – 3. We’ve had clients ask for things that their support is not sure how to implement. For example, linking up with a Google merchant center was very difficult. If something can’t be done, it can’t be done. They don’t give you access to change things.

WordPress, Magento – 4. We’ve had good experiences, and that’s why we recommend them and build most of our sites on them.

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Realize the Truth, There Is No Fork – but What Happens Next?

SegWit2x Futures Still Have Value

Here’s one indicator that all is not what it seems: HitBTC‘s SegWit2x Futures, or bets on the future value of a hypothetical S2X Bitcoin currency, still have value.
Sure that value plummeted from over $1,200 USD to $153, immediately after the official announcement that S2X would be postponed indefinitely. Since then, however, the value has actually climbed back and sits around $344 at press time. By rights, if S2x is dead, that value should be zero.

It may be just wishful thinking, or echoes of denial from those who bought S2X Futures. There was outrage over at 4chan from some investors, who appeared not to understand that a futures contract is a speculative bet on an asset that may not even exist in the future.

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